Thursday, April 15, 2010


Worldwide, the eagle is a symbol of nobility. For its strength, and highest force, dispose themselves as undisputed champion of this symbol of greatness. The eagle is strong, courageous, successful, symbol of those who hope in the Lord. The people of God are like the eagle. It is a strong nation. It is a warrior people. It is a people who triumphs on the storms. It is a people winner. It is people who will not back ahead of the difficulties of life, does not fear the danger, or get intimidated with the threats of the devil. It is a people that march truly, according to the laws of heaven, breaking barriers, winning shackles, conquering the heights, and refuge in the All-powerful God.

It is worrying; however, realize that there are, today, many Christians living a different project of life. Unlike the eagle, are timid, weak, powerless, dominated by the fear .

It is regrettable to note how many Christians live dominated by the complex of inferiority, rolled undermined by the self-esteem, with self-image squashed. These are people who live in battiness and enjoying a deep sense of self-repudiation, and in mean less lives. Those looking for within themselves and see themselves with lenses, misted and myopic eyes, and of themselves the more distorted concepts.

ItalicThe path of the eagle is in heaven (Pv.30: 19). It was not created to live dragging in the valleys of life and depressions in the earth. God has created for the heights. Based on this fact, I highlight 3 lessons of the highest importance to its thinking.

1 - The eagle flies high. It is meant to the heights, she is the queen of space, is not like the inhambu (kind of bird) easy prey for hunters because only flies low. There are also many people who live in a much lower plane, flying too low and suffering attacks from all sides because they do not leave the areas of danger, stepping there lives on land mines, with their feet on the territory of the opponent.

2 - The eagle flies ever higher. She has a very interesting feature. When it makes its second flight it is higher than the first. When it makes its third flight, it is higher than the second, it always strives to fly ever higher, so it has a very profound lesson to teach us, if those who trust in the Lord are like the eagle, so we do not need to have a life of ups and downs. Their many Christians who are too unstable, His faith fluctuates as the wave of the sea. Do not sign, not grow, not ripen, are repeated in several falls.

3 - The eagle flies above the storm. The eagle still in the top one third lesson: where currency on the horizon the arrival of a threatening storm, when you see the dark clouds and lightning striking the sky, when you hear the thunder of ribombar, she uses further their efforts and flies with courage for large heights, hovering above the storm, which over flies in perfect peace, we must also, in our journey many storms. Many of them are threatening and dangerous is living below foolishness and suffering the catastrophic effects of the storm. The secret in time of crisis is flying a little higher and hit up under the powerful wings of God. He is our tower of release. It is our self-refuge. It is our cache insurance; it is our shelter in time.

4 - The eagle is transparent; it has a fantastic ability to fly in a straight line as close as a projector. His flight is not a circle, or winds. What lesson that we communicate? Those who hope in the Lord must also fly in a straight line, or need to be transparent and upright. The life of the Christian can not have sins, can not have anything hidden and secret, the Christian is the son of light and must live in the light, without masks and without disguises, our word must be yes, yes, no, no.

5 - In circle not to front. The eagle flies straight because it has a target set. She knows where you came from and where you are going. She does not live without direction, without reference, without a destination. It flies forward. This desert doesn’t exist. No lives stagnant as laziness. There goes back as the crab. It shows in his flight development, growth, and progress. The people who unlike the eagle, as are the Urubu. The flight of the Urubu is not straight, but a circle. He flies to anywhere it flies without Skip forward without progress.

6 - Vision full. The eagle has the ability to see in all directions, for all angles in all perspectives. She see forward, the sides and with little effort on the head, also see back. She see a radius of 360 degrees. His vision is global. She sees all, understands the details and always takes the best direction, when the Bible says that we are as eagle, it has something to teach us on this issue. Those who hope in the Lord must have a comprehensive view of things and dilated. The Christian cannot be a lazy person, close-minded. He can not only see their small universe as if he were looking for a tube.

7 - Full discernment. The vision is one of the most fantastic miracles of creation. Our eye is more complex than most human body parts. The eye is one of the most extraordinary organs of the body. According to the famous ophthalmologist John Wilson, we have over 60 million wire surrounded doubles in each eye. Our eye is infinitely more sophisticated than the modern chambers of images that man has invented. One of the most interesting things we have in our vision is the ability to, a general framework; make a point specific, focusing our attention on it, without losing the overall picture of the scene.

8 - We have a clear vision of the top. The eagle is the only bird that can look forward to the sun without being disturbed by it. God want their children see what the other cannot see.

9 - Freedom yes, not captive. The eagle is a bird that loves freedom. She has intimacy with the times. Do not know live in captivity. You cannot live in cages. Not survive caged in zoos. She dies but is not captive; it does not accept another condition for his life if not freedom. We also were called for freedom. For the freedom that God has freed us (Gl 5:17).

10 - The Christians cannot live in fear of the devil captive. There are Christians living biting nails, trembling, frightened, in fear of the devil. They feel accused. Lose the joy of communion with God that such concern is with the devil.

11 - The Christian cannot live captive of omission. There are Christians who are secret agents of Jesus. Do not identify as ambassadors of the kingdom. His life is so insipid, so marginal that no one notes that they are of Jesus, if they are. They live silent when it comes to talking about Jesus. They are discouraged to talk about football. They are agile to talk about fashion. Chatting with excitement on the films of success but not open your mouth to speak of Jesus, are missing, captives are! The Church of God cannot be an army of dumb.

12 - Fidelity, base of happy marriage. The eagle has a very interesting feature. It is not like other birds in the area of mating. The poultry do not observe the law of the area. Only a rooster, for example, covers dozens of chickens. The behavior of the eagle is different; it observes the principle of loyalty to his partner. We believe that this is one of the most important principles for the man at all times, marital fidelity is the basis of all stable and happy marriage.

13 - Brokenness and renewal. One of the most interesting features of the eagle is its renewal. David expressed this idea in Psalm 103:5 "…God, who is fills my life with goods, like that your youth is renewed like the eagle." As this process occurs? The eagle, when you start to feel that their sentences are getting old and rusted, when you start realizing that his beak is not as sharp and strong; discover that when their claws are already weakening, takes a drastic measure, almost out of this traumatic Table bleak. What it does? The first thing the eagle does is stop its activities; it does not pursue its work, your flights, your home, and your adventures, closes its agenda and cancels the commitments. There are times when the best action is to be stopped. It is not always prudent move; God is not interested in activism. He is more interested in what we are for Him than in what we do for Him, life without work is unsuccessful. Activism without holiness does not like the heart of God, we must learn from the eagle. The second thing that the eagle is doing is isolating itself in the high cliffs, the eagle is a solitary bird, it does not fly in flocks, especially when it is in the process of high renewal, it handle a flight in the highest, pushing the heights, and refuge at the summit of the highest cliffs. There she is alone, alone and facing its own reality. The third thing is that the eagle is off its old feathers; eagle to reach the summit of the cliff, starts off with a nozzle, one of their sentences. Do not save itself such intense pain, the sentences are all torn, her body get defaced, the extent that it applies its severe blows, his measure is drastic, its radical stance. There are no restaurants, no reform before build and build, we must overthrow and demolish before the renewal comes the compromising, before the reviving comes the brokenness. The eagle that has just removed all the feathers is in a deplorable condition; his body seems mutilated. His appearance is deformed, however, after several days, begin to raise feathers new, beautiful and strong, she youth her self. Everything is new. She won a new look.

14 - The fourth thing is that the eagle is rubbing its beak in the rock. The eagle feathers can not boot not old, but when she realizes that his beak is already getting weak, impotent and full of crust, she strongly in the scrub rock; rub it, rub it, to be alive in blood, after this painful process it is entirely deform, but days later, grows a new nozzle strong as steel.

15 - The fifth thing is that the eagle is hitting its claws into the rocks. In this process of renewal high when she realizes that its claws are weak and powerless, the eagle beats with the force on the rock, several times until that layer is ageing and hotter uprooted, leaving a meat alive. She is whole blood, on the scourge of cruel pain. However, after this process of self and brokenness, the claws start forth with all the strength and force, strong as iron. Now as a youth, revitalized, it drops from heights to continue their lives and their activities.

16 - My sons, my disciples. One of the most interesting features of the eagle is their care with their pups, certainly would look at the eagle with it and learn how to take care of the family, the eagle does not call the nest of her children near the predators in places low and dangerous. The eagle did not expose their children the beasts’ wolves; she leaves them and not in vulnerable places. Rather, it only makes its nest on top of rocks; at the summit of hill downs. She is zealous to place the nest of their children up.

17 - The eagle hovers over their children. "As the eagle raises its offspring and hovers about their pups, extends its wings and taking them, takes them on…" Dt. 32:11. When the pups are large eagle in time to leave the nest, the eagle then begins to flies on the nest showing you how to get out.

18 - The eagle takes the softness of the nest and leaves only the thorns. When the eagle realizes that it's time to fly their baby, yet they still accommodated in the nest, despite his example, she decides remove the nest throughout the soft coverage and leaves only the thorns and pointed. It creates a discomfort for the children. It does not cease to love them for it, but prefers to see them upset to be accommodated in the nest. The comfort of the nest is now stagnant, immaturity, failure. The eagle does not hesitate to apply this lesson to children, even a painful lesson. She admits not only see the children returned home in splendid, when the world outside the hopes for a dynamic and urgent action.

19 - The eagle takes the children of the nest. It is astonishing to note that even afflicted with thorns and nailed by grass pointed, the offspring of the eagle still insist on chicks. She continue in the same situation is seen in the church today. Often, God, to see the accommodated church, it sends about persecution, it removes all comfort; let it enrolled on a carpet of thorns so that uninstall of its accommodation. That is what God did in Jerusalem. The reviving was in full force; crowds were converted. But the church was restricted to Jerusalem. The plan of God is that the church was more than one border and was to the ends of the earth.

The law of faith

God created human beings to be free. Free to live the way they want—to love, to hate, and even to accept or reject God as their Lord.

He also gave them the power to have children, and feel what He feels towards us. If parents suffer when their children become rebellious and disobedient, imagine the Creator!

But freedom is a two-edged sword: it can help you choose eternal life or eternal death. It’s up to each one of us.

How do we make choices according to God’s will and have eternal abundant life? How do we react to daily challenges? How do we overcome difficulties with God’s help? How do we know that we’re heading in the right direction?

That’s where the law of supernatural faith comes in. It’s God’s voice speaking within His faithful followers. This voice doesn’t let doubts imprison our freedom of choice or block us from the joy of living life to the fullest.

How many people have been deprived of the joy of living an abundant life because of man-made doctrines which are imposed in the “name of God”, or because of a misinterpretation of the Bible? How many are there, who consider mere traditions to be biblical doctrines?

The voice of God—faith—casts out fear and points us to the right choice in line with God’s will, which is why it is written that the righteous shall live by faith (Habakkuk 2:4). And from that springs forth a life of quality.

The voice of faith is the voice of God. Follow it and don’t be led by other people’s faith.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The dawn of a new era – Sisterhood 1st Pledge Night – Nigeria

The moment we’ve all been waiting for had finally arrived – Pledge Night. It was a time filled with excitement, anxiety, joy, happiness, you name it – it was there. Out of all those who started on this journey only 7 remained, and this was their night to celebrate. Like in any other country we see how the young ladies of today are carried away by what they see and hear, believing that that’s how life is – living it the way they want - a very promiscuous life, not caring what the outcome might be, but through Sisterhood many differences have began to be made.

Some of the Pledges commented on what Sisterhood meant to them – “any woman who desires to be a woman of God – Sisterhood is the place to be as it teaches on how to live your life according to the ways of God.” “Sisterhood is for me, as I have been wanting something like this in my life and being part of it is helping me to become a better person.” “I am happy to be part of Sisterhood – as a short tempered person, I never cared much about how I did things and say things, but since I joined Sisterhood I am learning how to do things in a better way, how to measure my words and think before I speak.” “My wife was a very short tempered person, but since she joined Sisterhood, I can see changes in her, and I am very happy for Sisterhood being here.”

The invited guests were much surprised by the event because they’ve never seen anything like it and was confident that Sisterhood would really make a difference in the lives of many young ladies, in teaching them how to have a proper character and as one gentleman stated “making them ready for when they get married as they’ll know how to take care of their homes and their husbands”. Another guest commented on her friend who became a Pledge – “I can see that since she joined Sisterhood, her life changed completely, especially the way she used to dress.”

Sisterhood is a dream come true for Nigeria – as it means having a second chance, a chance to change for the better, not only with the practical way of life but most importantly learning how to live a godly life in the fear of God – truly women of God in the making.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

A New Life – Baptism in the water

It is a good thing to begin a new life, to walk in the right way with God, so that we can end the year in abundant of God, for our lives to glorify our Lord Jesus Christ.

Some members of the church came out and decide to have a water baptism, for them to come out of their old lives.

Pastor Luciano Reis, conduct the baptism for both men and women after 10:00 o’clock service on Sunday.

Base on the message on the book of (Mark 16:16), they were baptized in the name of the father, son and Holy Spirit.

The UCKG Help Center is located at 42 Olowu Street – Ikeja on the state of Lagos.
