Thursday, May 27, 2010

Mount Sinai

Let’s use our intelligent faith during this Challenge of Mount Sinai. If you’ve already been sealed by the Holy Spirit and you are absolutely sure of your salvation, then go after the realisation of your dream—a material blessing, a blessed love life, etc. But if you have any doubts about your eternal salvation, then this should be your priority. This is the most important thing in your life.

What profit is it to you if you save the whole world and lose your soul? You can even enjoy a comfortable life for awhile, but you will not enjoy it forever! Let’s invest in our soul and guarantee our eternal salvation. When we achieve this spiritual dream (the seal of God), all other dreams will eventually come true, naturally. It’s written:

“But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.” (Matthew 6:33)

Many people make the, sometimes, fatal mistake: they ignore this piece of advice. They have focused their faith first on material and emotional blessings. They forget that a spiritual blessing is the foundation of all the other blessings. To fight for any dream before obtaining your spiritual blessing is like running after the wind. There are those who even succeed, but it doesn’t last for long and, as a result, they become frustrated.

“For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul?” The wise wins souls. But first, he has to win his own soul.

If you haven’t had a personal experience with the Lord Jesus, then this should be your priority in the Challenge of Mount Sinai.

See below some pictures of when we climbed Mount Sinai with other bishops and pastors from around the world, carrying the dreams of those who lived out their sacrificial faith.

Posted by Bishop Edir Macedo

A divine idea

I’d like to comment on something that people usually ask me about. Many people want to know about the beginning of the Universal Church and what inspired me to start a work that has grown so much. The answer is always the same: a revelation from God. A divine idea that transformed not only my life but the lives of thousands of people all over the world. As a matter of fact, the world is made of ideas. An idea can revolutionise any family, business, city, or country. Now imagine what an idea that comes from God Himself can do!

When a person receives a divine revelation, he is receiving the revelation of God’s will. It’s as though he knew exactly what to do in order to achieve 100% success… Interested? It’s priceless, extremely valuable and wonderful—like a hidden treasure. A small and apparently insignificant revelation from God is capable of transforming the world of those who hear it.

However, this revelation is not for everyone… “I thank You, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because You have hidden these things from the wise and prudent and have revealed them to babes” (Matthew 11:25). Only those who have a humble heart have access to it: those who believe.

When a person believes, God reveals His will. Simple, isn’t? If only everybody believed…

God bless you all abundantly.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Why Mount Sinai?

Sinai is a natural altar, a 7,500ft high mountain that rises abruptly from the Egyptian desert, higher than all other mountains in that range.

Also known as Horeb, one of the meanings of the word is ‘waste’. It remains to this day mostly as wilderness, a desert area, with very few people living there such as Bedouins and shepherds.

It was at the foot of Sinai where the Hebrew slaves, ‘the waste of Egypt’, came to encamp after they left the land of slavery over 3,000 years ago.

When they arrived there, they were nothing but real human waste: men and women, young and old, and children, with their backs scarred from the whips of their slave masters, their feet callous from standing knee-deep in mud all day making bricks to build cities for pharaoh, their clothes but old rags, eyes that had seen nothing but the horrible images of slavery from the day they were born.

But right there, at the foot of that mountain, that people became a great nation! The disorderly slaves departed from Sinai with the Book of the Law, given to them by God Himself, with clear direction to the Promised Land. They were assured of God’s help and protection as they marched on to become, at one point, one the most prosperous and feared nations on earth.

So, Mount Sinai is a symbol of victory, of rising from the ashes, of the impossible becoming possible, the weak becoming strong. It is where waste becomes wealth, and the forgotten are remembered. It is also a sign that God sees and remembers His people, and does not leave them at the mercy of their oppressors.

Sinai is the only mountain of earth where God set foot and decidedly changed the destiny of His people.

And that’s why we go there! When we are standing on top of that mountain, our faith is at its highest. All these facts come to life to us because we’re not just reading about that place – we’re seeing it before our very eyes!

That’s why we promote challenges of faith on Mount Sinai once a year at our church. Since we started doing this in 1980, thousands of people have achieved great victories and given wonderful testimonies through the prayers made on that mountain.

We go to Mount Sinai only for great things. We go there to radically change lives. We go to decide difficult situations.

We go to show through sacrifice that our faith is real, in return for the realization of God’s promises in our lives!

It is a privilege to be part of it. It is a blessing to take part in the Challenge of Mt Sinai.

Bp Renato Cardoso

Saturday, May 8, 2010

The seal of guarantee

Nothing in this world is more important than guaranteeing your soul’s eternal salvation. Jesus said: What good is it for a man to gain the whole world and yet lose his soul? It’s impossible to gain it and keep it without help from the Holy Spirit. Only He is able to teach, guide, strengthen, sustain and keep those who follow His Son on the right path.

Every branch that doesn’t produce fruit will be cut down and only the branches that bear fruit will remain. The Holy Spirit is the nourishing sap that gives life to the branch. Without it, it wilts.

I have witnessed many people who were cured from numerous illnesses and diseases, and freed from all sorts of evil spirits, who became financially stable, accomplishing wonders by faith, only to later abandon it. Unfortunately, many forget that if they conquer by faith, then they lose by doubting. Faith needs to be kept alive, otherwise it evaporates.

Only those who have been sealed with the Holy Spirit remain firm. They are the true “called and chosen”.

God has called many but few have been chosen. Divine injustice? No. Absolutely not. Just like salvation is offered to everyone, the same goes for the baptism of the Holy Spirit. The problem is that not everyone is willing to sacrifice their life. What can we do?

Everything needs care and maintenance. The same is true for the greatest spiritual blessing: salvation. The Holy Spirit is the Flame that keeps faith from burning out. He is the Seal of Guarantee to eternal life.

“But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me.” (Acts 1.8)