Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The dawn of a new era – Sisterhood 1st Pledge Night – Nigeria

The moment we’ve all been waiting for had finally arrived – Pledge Night. It was a time filled with excitement, anxiety, joy, happiness, you name it – it was there. Out of all those who started on this journey only 7 remained, and this was their night to celebrate. Like in any other country we see how the young ladies of today are carried away by what they see and hear, believing that that’s how life is – living it the way they want - a very promiscuous life, not caring what the outcome might be, but through Sisterhood many differences have began to be made.

Some of the Pledges commented on what Sisterhood meant to them – “any woman who desires to be a woman of God – Sisterhood is the place to be as it teaches on how to live your life according to the ways of God.” “Sisterhood is for me, as I have been wanting something like this in my life and being part of it is helping me to become a better person.” “I am happy to be part of Sisterhood – as a short tempered person, I never cared much about how I did things and say things, but since I joined Sisterhood I am learning how to do things in a better way, how to measure my words and think before I speak.” “My wife was a very short tempered person, but since she joined Sisterhood, I can see changes in her, and I am very happy for Sisterhood being here.”

The invited guests were much surprised by the event because they’ve never seen anything like it and was confident that Sisterhood would really make a difference in the lives of many young ladies, in teaching them how to have a proper character and as one gentleman stated “making them ready for when they get married as they’ll know how to take care of their homes and their husbands”. Another guest commented on her friend who became a Pledge – “I can see that since she joined Sisterhood, her life changed completely, especially the way she used to dress.”

Sisterhood is a dream come true for Nigeria – as it means having a second chance, a chance to change for the better, not only with the practical way of life but most importantly learning how to live a godly life in the fear of God – truly women of God in the making.

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